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Allen Reichle

East China Township


Representing you on the East China Township Board of Trustees

I would like to thank you all for re-electing me to the township board. In the next four years, I will continue to fight against wasteful spending and for transparency in our local government.-Allen

Message from Trustee Reichle:
I would like to urge all of you to get out and vote on Tuesday, November 5th. There are also opportunities for early and absentee voting if you are not going to be here on Election Day. Over the last year, I have had the honor and opportunity to meet with and talk to many of you throughout our fine township. I have listened to your concerns and if re-elected, I will continue to fight for your interests and for more transparency in our local government. Unfortunately, I have not hit every household in our township, but after the election, I pledge to knock on every door in the township and to speak with all of you again about the issues in the township. I sincerely look forward to that and as always you can contact me on here, by my cell (810) 580-2109 (call or text) and my personal email

Now with that being said, I am also advocating against the massive tax increase that the East China School District is lobbying for. It is both wasteful and unnecessary. I know from all of the township residents and even those I speak to throughout our township are struggling with inflation and the state of prices and even taxes. For more information and the facts, visit my "VOTE NO" page above.

Our next township board meeting is Monday November 4th (the day before the election.) We will be having a budget workshop. I have many objections to what we are currently spending money on and the waste that has resulted in higher water/sewer rates, fees and taxation that are not necessary. I will continue to keep you informed and thank you for visiting my website!

Allen Reichle

Township Board Debates Health Care Costs

On Monday June 17th, the East China Township board debated the policy and whether full or part time employees would qualify for benefits. Below is a statement from trustee Reichle.


Statement from Trustee Reichle on "crap show" of meeting-June 17th

If I would have been allowed to speak uninterrupted at our crap show of a meeting last night, I would have said my piece, voted and dropped it. Since I was constantly rudely interrupted, I am bringing this directly to the people. East China Township is a relatively small township when it comes to our residential population. We have a water and sewer plant, provide garbage collection, police and fire protection as well. With DTE in our township we receive a massive amount of tax revenue. Our taxable value has gone up significantly as well as our tax rate since the early 2000s. In other words we have a ton of money.

In the recent past our board decided to hire a township manager. This raised the administrative costs in the office, but without a full-time supervisor, was deemed necessary. Within the last couple years our board voted to increase the salary of that position by a very large amount $30-$40,000, if memory serves. Obviously, this person is to oversee many aspects of the township, like that of a city manager position. Since that pay raise our township manager has not had more work to do, in fact, if anything they are doing less work. Now, after our meeting last night we are hiring a “public utility director” who will oversee the water plant and sewer plant supervisors as well as the DPW director. Since this position deals heavily with water and sewer, this will add a significant amount to those costs. After taking away that workload we did not ask the township manager to forgo some of that massive pay raise we gave. In fact, we padded the contract even further by providing insurance, even though there is a provision to provide $750 per month “cash in lieu” of that.

Our park manager who has not been full time is also going to be provided with insurance even though in the wintertime there are times when they log zero hours and as many as 15 per week. The board did not even ask these employees to kick in or pay a portion of it. It was claimed that they logged hours for the last year and as we previously discussed that employee was given directives to log 40 hours to “make up for insurance”! That’s called fraud. In fact, they gave this person wage increases to make up for insurance. The park manager is the only supervisor that does not punch a time clock, other than the township manager. I have the emails and meeting minutes to prove it! We fought like hell to bring this employee under the control of the township for this reason and now they are trying to cover everything up and act as though those things never happened. Is it because all the sudden the township manager needs insurance? It makes no sense to me. The township manager negotiated a great contract 2 years ago and moment it became somewhat not convenient, we just jump to change it. We are trustees to safeguard taxpayer money, not to be a charity or piggy bank.

The added health care costs are going to be an additional $54,000 per year, which on top of the $90,000 for the new utility director position (not including other benefits) and 20 paid days off to start and he is allowed to bank 40 of them! This is better than every other contract in the township. Where do we draw the line? When does it end? One board member was on the fence, agreed with most of what I said and ended up waffling in the end. The treasurer was the only other board member to end up taking a stand against this. Water rates are already slated to go higher by 5% with these additional costs it will be much more! I will not vote for those increases either. Enough is enough. One of my fellow board members continuously interrupted me as I attempted to make points respectfully and he tried to “call the question” as I still had the floor for someone who has been there a while, obviously he does not know parliamentary procedure. He just did not want to hear the truth. Our supervisor who is supposed to run the meeting and keep order did not do his statutory job and asked me to keep speaking over the other trustee. It was a crap show to say the least. I sat and listened to every other view and yet they could not let me for a few minutes to make a point.

I was accused by that same trustee of having a vendetta against that employee. I like her as a person, I really do, but even if I had a friend that was doing this, I would call it out. This is nothing personal and I am a big believer in “facts don’t care about your feelings.”

Last night our board failed in safeguarding tax dollars which is our only job as trustees. I will be posting more about this soon and when your water bills go up and taxes do not yell at me. Yell at the supervisor, clerk and 2 trustees that voted for this mess! More to come-Allen

June 17th East China Township Board Meeting

The following is the full video of the township meeting where discussion around health care costs, policy and a new employee that will cost taxpayers and water/sewer users a lot more money in the near future. Watch as some board members attempt to shut down discussion.


A message from Trustee Allen Reichle

January 2024

Happy New Year and thank you for taking the time to visit my website. I have enjoyed serving the people of East China Township for the last 4 years as a trustee.

We have focused on fiscal responsibility and prioritizing the budget. The DTE natural gas plant project has been completed, we have focused on infrastructure projects from water and sewer lines to updating roads.

We are in the middle of working on updating the township master plan as well as the parks and recreation 5 year plan. I appreciate the many comments from community members that participated in the surveys that were sent out.

Moving forward, I want to see us focus on the priorities set forth by township residents. We are going to work to keep taxes as low as possible, while also providing the best services possible. We need to work on communication and priorities when it comes to future infrastructure projects as well.

I look forward to continuing to serve you in the coming year! If you have any questions, comments or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me!

Cell phone: (810) 580-2109



In the News

Out on the Campaign Trail

June 2024

It has been an honor to speak with the many residents and taxpayers of East China Township. So far, I have knocked on over half of the doors around the township. I have been taking notes of concerns and comments from people around the township. From roads to drainage issues to communication and the infrastructure improvements. Please be patient and I will be keeping these in mind as our board makes decisions on issues in the future. Thank you all so far for the great conversations!


Press Release: Allen Reichle Files Paperwork For Re-Election

April 23, 2024

Allen filed the necessary paperwork in order to run for re-election for the position of township trustee. He says that he has "learned a lot in the last 4 years and looks forward to potentially serving residents for another 4 years."

He also says that he plans to go on a township wide listening tour to hear what residents want in the township and to keep a finger on the pulse of our community.

"I am eager to hear what residents want to see in our township. Listening to the people is the key to being an effective leader and overall, in the last four years, I think I have successfully done that."

A message from Trustee Allen Reichle

April 23, 2024

Today I am announcing my intention to run for re-election for the East China Township Trustee. In the coming months, I will be going door to door to reintroduce myself and to offer you an opportunity to give your thoughts on the direction of our township. Thank you for giving me the honor of serving you the last four years. I look forward to earning your support again!-Allen


Presidential Primary Election is approaching

January 2024

On Tuesday, February 27th the Presidential primary will take place. For East China Township residents there is also a non-homestead millage renewal for the school district on the ballot as well. For more information visit the following link to the: East China Township Clerk's office.

Absentee Ballots are out for the February 27th Election!

January 2024

Absentee ballots are in! If you need one or have any questions please contact the East China Township Clerk or visit for more info!


East China Township is updating the Parks and Recreation Plan!

January 2024

This is your opportunity to be heard! For more information, visit the township website!

East China Township Secures Grant

December 2023

East China Township was awarded a TAP Grant for funding the old bridge on the bridge to bay trail in the township park. For more information: Read here



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